sunday morning
9:00AM Adult Sunday School: Come join us before the service in one of our two classes. We have experienced Bible leaders that will lead a time of teaching and discussion.
10:00AM Service: We start our service with a time of musical worship. We sing mostly hymns with a few contemporary songs sprinkled in. Our worship leader is accompanied by a piano and an organ. After worship, we dive into God's word. Our pastors preach the Bible book by book through our series. They use an expository style to teach the truth according to the text.
10:00AM Children's Sunday School: After a time of musical worship together, the children are dismissed to go upstairs to Sunday school. Our Sunday school teachers spend a lot of time and energy each week to prepare a fun and meaningful Bible lesson.
10:00AM Service: We start our service with a time of musical worship. We sing mostly hymns with a few contemporary songs sprinkled in. Our worship leader is accompanied by a piano and an organ. After worship, we dive into God's word. Our pastors preach the Bible book by book through our series. They use an expository style to teach the truth according to the text.
10:00AM Children's Sunday School: After a time of musical worship together, the children are dismissed to go upstairs to Sunday school. Our Sunday school teachers spend a lot of time and energy each week to prepare a fun and meaningful Bible lesson.